Thursday, August 23, 2018


My human did something she can’t BELIEVE she has never done before.  Actually, she’s a bit embarrassed to even admit this, but we share everything - so why not tell you how behind the times she is. Oh and then I might as well tell you about a little accident with the FG.  But not to worry - he is FINE.  He has a bald spot - but he’s fine...

It began with a groom-a-thon.  My human actually dreads them as much as we do.  I’m the GOOD dog during these things while the other two put on a show like you are watching WWF wrestling.  But to make the torture a bit better (for my human anyway) she has FINALLY figured out how to order and download current best sellers in audiobook format - for free from the library.  Yeah - I’m sure most of you readers have been doing that forever - but she’s a bit slow with the technology. Anyway she ordered some murder mystery book - and it kept her attention the whole time.  Personally I would have preferred Lassie.  I need to get my own library card.  Bottom line - she really didn’t care how longs the groom-a-thon took because she was being entertained.  Glad she was.  So that was the good news...

As part of the groom-a-thon, nails are done.  Einstein and I begrudgingly agree to have them clipped.  But the FG requires the dremel rotary tool to grind his nails.  And he’s pretty good at standing there.  However....yesterday as she went to do one of the nails on a back foot, he moved.  The resulting movement ended in a yelp, and a sudden tossing of the dremel tool onto the floor. As she went to retrieve it, she realized it wasn’t turning quite as fast, probably due to the clump of Picard hair around the shaft.  She apologized to the FG - who honestly was FINE - but who milked it by dramatically putting his head on her shoulder. ( Mind you, he does that ALL the time.). She examined him to see where the clump came from - but she couldn’t find a bald patch.  Thank goodness.  I told her that someone could call animal control for that move. She told me that MY licking of Einstein’s ears could also,precipitate a call to animal control.  Funny.

Today the furnace guy is coming.  Just to clean it.  You can be sure we will be sequestered during that visit. It’s unlikely that we would be of much help...Not to worry though, no matter where we are - Einstein will be shouting out instructions....

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 92

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