Tuesday, September 25, 2018

In trouble. Again.

So we have the dog who likes to stylize carpets.  And someone who likes to eat linens...

Yeah, yeah, we all know that I’m the pillowcase culprit.  Leave me and a pillow alone and the case doesn’t stand a chance of survival.  And then there was the mystery of who chewed the fancy pillow sham on the new bedding.  I should remind you that no one was CAUGHT in the act, and it appeared to happen while we had our sitter.  Of course I was the likely suspect due to my previous pillowcase crimes - but let’s face it, there was no proof.  

Well imagine my human’s reaction when she found that SOMEONE has chewed the edge of the new coverlet too.  

So it now matches the pillow sham.  Paws are pointed at me, but until caught in the act, there REALLY is no proof.  I’ve always focused on pillows myself - so it wasn’t NECESSARILY me.

In addition to being the prime suspect in the linen crime, I also found myself behind bars on Sunday...

My human had some chores and work to do in the morning, but in the afternoon she took us out to test out the new Chuck-Its.  They are just like the old ones.  That I pretty much destroyed due to my over exuberant fetch behavior.  So my human took me and Einstein out first.  And we each did 20 retrieves.  Exactly.  I was counting. And so was my human. We were starting to slow down - well Einstein sort of was - but I could have kept on going, so she traded for some treats and took the toys away and went to get the FG - for his turn.  He likes the big ball with the handles.  She took us in the backyard and told me and Einstein to down stay.  Well of course you KNOW Einstein, the show off, did exactly as instructed.  Me? I refused to lie down.  My human said “Suit yourself - sit stay.”  And she put the fetch toys on the outdoor table.  Now does anyone see a potential problem with her action?  You KNOW there was no way I would leave those fetch toys there.  So as soon as she turned her back to get the ball to throw for the FG, yours truly broke my “stay” and went to help myself to the fetch toys.  While I was struggling on two legs to grab the toys, my human came up from behind me and said “Busted.”  She marched me into the house.  Where I had to watch the proceedings from the deck. 

 Little did she know I did some counter surfing while I was stuck in there but luckily for her she had put her thawing hamburger for supper, far enough back on the cupboard so I couldn’t reach it.  Trust me - I tried.

She actually did feel sorry for me so after the FG was suitably tired and Einstein (who got to fetch AGAIN),  was bored, she brought me back out.  She figured since we were all tired, she could try to get a photo of us.  Because she doesn’t already have 37,639.  Well.  The FG and I did NOT want our photos taken.  And try as she might - even with yummy treats, strange noises and throwing branches to get our attention, we would NOT look happy.  Of course the good kid smiled the whole time.  

Looks like I had better behave for at least a couple of days to get back in good graces.  Won’t be easy.  I’m feeling the fall call of the wild...

Have a good one. Peace and paws up.
Seizure free days: 11

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