Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day two and in trouble already

OK. OK.  So I am ALREADY in trouble with this blog thing.  My Mom was NOT happy about me calling Paxton a Bucket Head.  Seriously?  He has a BIG head!  OK.  I know he IS the oldest - and I should respect him.  Maybe I'm just a LITTLE jealous because HE gets to go on PRIVATE walks with Mom while I have to go with Frodo.  Alright.  I'll be NICE in the future.  Maybe....

So blogettes.  Here is my first ever human obedience lesson.  And trust me. I AM an expert.

Your first lesson - which I have used already this morning, is the SD.  The Stare Down.  There are several variations of this technique - but I'll begin with just one for today. Here we go.... It is the weekend.  Your human may have the day off.  He or she is sleeping - because he or she has turned off the alarm.  It is almost the time when your human SHOULD be getting up for work.  Now begin your SD.  Sit VERY, VERY close to the head of your human.  And stare at him/her.  Some would think that with our shaggy appearance, we PONs don't see anything.  But trust me - we do.  Anyway, stare at your human.  And if you are like Bucket Head, er Paxton, you can also breathe a bit more heavily.  Now if you are REALLY good at this technique, your human will wake up.  But keep in mind that some humans figure out the SD.  So they will open just one eye to see if you are there.  Watch for that eye.  And begin to stare harder.  Then as soon as your human moves even a muscle, you MUST jump on them - partly to help them get up more quickly.   I LOVE life and I LOVE beginning the new day - so I also jump just for joy!  On my human.  

I will give you other variations of the SD in future blogs.  Like the SD while your human is eating.  Or the SD at the treat jar.  Or one of my favorites - the SD at a window.  At night.  That's a fun one to freak out your human!

So those of you canines who are reading this while your human sleeps - go try it out!  With a little practice, you will be Viktor-ious! 

  © 2014 Linda Wozniak

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