Tuesday, November 25, 2014

More human sayings.

Well we were back to our routine yesterday.  No poop rebellion.  For the time being.

It poured rain last night so we had another game of Find the Bunny.  I hate to admit it – but Paxton has Frodo and me beat.  Paws down.  When he is told to stay while our human hides the bunny, he is like a STATUE.  Frodo and I…wellllllll….more than once we had to go back to the starting point because we cheated and broke our stays.  So much for the two dogs who have had $4 million in obedience lessons…

Our human continues to amaze me with some of things she says. I thought I should share a few more that we regularly hear…

·      “Don’t pee on ___________.”    The blank can be completed with a number of responses ranging from “his head”, to the “neighbor’s garbage can”, to “the car” or to “that newly planted flower”.  Come on humans.  Don’t bother saying this.  When nature calls, ya gotta go.  And if my brother is foolish enough to walk under my leg when I am peeing – that’s HIS problem!

·      “Move along – it’s a work day.”  This is said on our walk early in the morning. Seriously.  I know what day it is.  We canines know the days and we know when you have to go to work.  We have a calendar.  It has PONs on it.  You don’t need to remind us – and think that we will somehow behave differently because YOU have to go to work.  If we’re not moving along fast enough – you should have gotten up earlier.  And we will be happy to arrange that for you.

·      “Everybody sit.”    This is said when we are in front of the biscuit jar and you have indicated “TREATS”.   You don’t have to include the word “everybody”.  It’s not like there are 36 of us. We KNOW we all should sit.  And it’s not like one of us would ever be allowed to stand. Or jump up.  Or dance. While the other two are sitting. Keep it short and simple.  Just “sit”.  We want more efficiency in treat distribution.

I must say, sometimes living with you humans is just exhausting.  But we do love you….despite the things you say.

©  2014  Linda Wozniak

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