Sunday, November 23, 2014

She's baaaaaack

She’s back.  Our human has returned.  When she arrived home at almost 1AM, there was much rejoicing.  Paxton jumped on her and put two paws on her shoulders and did a “rouw, rouw” right her face as if to say “welcome home.”  Frodo barked incessantly, scolding her for going away.  Me?  I just did the rocket leap straight up in the air.  Repeatedly.

My human confessed to the sitter that she was bit anxious to hear how things went.  The truth?  SURPRISE -WE WERE GOOD!!! Well except for one SMALL incident…

The oil delivery man arrived.  And our sitter could see he was coming to the door with the bill.  So because she knows us well, she put her bagel and coffee in the microwave – just for safe keeping while she went to answer the door.  Which took all of 20 seconds.  But PLENTY of time for Paxton to grab the jar of peanut butter and attempt to bury his face in it.

But other than the loss of one peanut butter jar, we were all good as gold.  Seriously.  We know Christmas is coming.

Our human was excited to see us too – and she told us some stories about her travels.  I guess whenever she goes away, we somehow always end up as a topic in her conversations with people.  And people like to share stories about their canine kids too.  My human heard stories from her friends and colleagues and even strangers.  Our human DOES like to talk a lot – no wonder Frodo is such a barker – we see where he gets it. 

She heard a sad story abut a Cavalier who passed.  I have no idea what that means – but Frodo said it had nothing to do with gas or playing cards.  Our human heard about a BIG Newfoundland dog (who also passed) who used to run like CRAZY up to strangers, terrifying them – and then would promptly sit on their feet.  Kind of like Bucket Head.  She heard about a neurotic poodle who loves to bark at the front window at people passing by and who likes to pull on the drapes too when in this crazy state.  His human hates to stop him because it’s something “he really enjoys doing”.  Get me the address of THAT place.  I’m moving there.  He has his human VERY well trained. 

Our human heard about a Saint Bernard who likes to smell flowers.  Really.  No joke.  She saw pictures to prove it.  To that one I say “watch out buddy, with that BIG nose, you might end up sucking up a bee!”

And then there is the dachshund who likes to steal empty cat food cans and put them in his bed.  Now THAT one I like.  In fact, I think I am going to ask for a cat for Christmas.  I’m putting it on the list.  It’s six pages now.

And one more – the colleague whose husband retired YEARS ago – but who has now decided that they should get a puppy.  They are getting him soon – and they haven’t had a dog in like 100 years. Her husband has dreams that the dog will become a therapy dog – which is a SUPER cool job.  But let’s face it – not all dogs can do it.  My human NEEDS therapy because she lives with us.

So we heard all the stories and of course our human had shared a few as well.  Most people didn’t know what the heck a PON is – so she had to educate (and warn) them about us.  We ARE one of a kind.  And while she heard lots of stories, NOBODY she talked to this week had a dog who wrote a blog!  But then again, she didn’t meet anyone who had a PON…a PON named Viktor…

©  2014  Linda Wozniak

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