Friday, July 8, 2016

Going squirrely

First it was the crazy bunnies.  Then the killer duck.  And now it's official - we are being terrorized by a new woodland creature.  The squirrel.

Remember how the squirrel got stuck in the bird feeder - and my human worked valiantly to release him from his bondage?  And she eventually did - but she fears she may have caused some trauma to the squirrel during her efforts - and now - he is ANGRY.   REALLY angry.  He keeps hanging out around the door to our deck.  Literally.  Yesterday morning while my human was at the dining room table, she heard a "clunk" on the deck.  She looked up and there - hanging on the screen door was the squirrel.  Obviously trying to get in.  My human QUICKLY got up and although we didn't notice the squirrel - when we saw her quick movement, we sprang into action.  We didn't know what we were going after - but we were going after SOMETHING.  Luckily the glass door was closed.  

So now we have to be ever-vigilant if the deck door is left open.  And if the screen is pulled, we have to put a dog gate in front of it - because my human is just a LITTLE tired of repairing that screen door.  It wouldn't be the first time one of us dogs went through it.  

Can you IMAGINE if a squirrel got loose in our house?    Just the thought makes my human weak.  Of course, I think it could be QUITE entertaining. 

Ahhhhh.   The joys of country living.  

Have a fabulous FRIDAY.   Let the weekend begin!

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