Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tick Tock

Sometimes the best laid plans don't always work out the way you think.

So my human has this very, very old clock.  It's called a steeple clock and it is on the mantle in the room formerly referred to as the DFZ.  I say formerly because Velcro dog and I wander in there whenever we want, WHEN my human is home.  She still has a baby gate haphazardly propped against the entrance - but let's face it - we don't care.  Now mind you, Velcro dog was nearly evicted the other day when he started to dig on the cushion seat of one of the wingback chairs.  That's pushing things a bit.  Just do it when she isn't watching.

Anyway, my human has this old clock, which is SO old you have to wind it to make it work.  Can you imagine?! My human actually remembers WATCHES that you had to wind.  She really is old.  But back to the clock.

My human hasn't wound that clock since...well Velcro dog has never seen it wound.  So it's been YEARS.  And for some odd reason, she decided to try it out yesterday.  It has a melodic tick-tick-tick as the pendulum sways back and forth.  And it ALSO chimes.  Every hour.  Which seemed fine.  Until Velcro dog decided he needed to alert my human to the sound.  Every hour.  EVERY hour.  Even in the middle of the night.  He just runs and barks and stares at it.

So until this clock winds down, or until Velcro dog gets used to the chime, we will be reminded of the time.  Every hour.

Never a dull moment.  As the clock counts down the minutes until my big surprise.  I can't WAIT.  Now to figure out what I'm waiting for...

Have a good one!

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