Sunday, July 3, 2016

Record breaking

So.  A dog has broken a new Guinness World Record.  Not for the largest dog or the smallest dog or the oldest dog.  This one is really very unique.  This dog broke a record for breaking 100 balloons in the fastest time.  Check it out:

 I looked into other records by dogs - a Briard holds the record for the Fastest 30 meters on a scooter.  Really.  A Newfoundland holds the record for the Fastest Time to Retrieve a person from the Water.  OBVIOUSLY I can't imagine doing that one - given my dislike of the water. There are dogs who hold records for walking on their front legs and on their hind legs. Again.  Not for me. There is a record for most treats balanced on the dog's nose.  Obviously THAT was not a PON.

In fact, no records HAVE been broken by a PON that I could find.  So it got me thinking, what record could I break?  I don't think I would be into the balloon thing - so I have to come up with something else.  Dog who chased the most wildlife in a 24 hr period?  Most trouble a dog can get in without really trying?  Dog who stares the longest at the door to the room where the retrieving toys are kept?

And Velcro dog?  Dog who can escape from any enclosure?  Dog who can balance longest in an attempt to get into the food bin - which obviously is NOT set at dog level?

I'll try and think about this more.  And if you have a suggestion, let me know.  But don't even THINK about the treats on the nose thing.  Treats are meant to be EATEN.  Anything else is foolishness if you ask me!

Have a happy Sunday!

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