Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Keep your cool.

So summer is really here and we are loving it.  So far, mornings have been a perfect temperature for our daily constitutional and days have been a comfortable 75-80ish degrees Fahrenheit. Velcro dog and I enjoy lounging on the deck while it is shady.  But one DOES have to be careful in the summer heat.  And I'm not talking about being left in hot cars.  I already discussed that issue.  And you KNOW how I feel about that one.

I'm talking about heat and exercise.  Like retrieving a toy - 4, 653 times.  Like the way I do it.  But in the heat, one must be careful.  To be sure we DON'T get overheated, my human will only play fetch with us either EARLY or LATE in the day.  Never in the afternoon.  No matter how much I beg.   And even then, one must be careful as the temperatures can still be warm.  Like the other night.  We played after 7PM - and only played for a few minutes.  And Velcro dog was fine - but yours truly tends to go a BIT crazy for fetching.  I don't exactly PACE myself.  My human even watched in horror as I actually made a somersault in my frenzied attempt to grab the toy.  When my human cut our game short, I didn't want to stop.  But when I did, I was panting like crazy.  I mean crazy.  So we went downstairs to the rec room and I relaxed on the tile floor.  Which is nice and cool.  With my human watching me like a hawk.  I was FINE.

But one DOES need to watch us dogs in the heat.  We need a shady spot if we are left outdoors.  And LOTS of fresh water. If you see that we are panting excessively and loudly, if we are drooling, if we are extremely thirsty, if we have a bright red tongue and pale gums, or if we have a rapid heart rate - we could be suffering from heatstroke. Sources say that you should check our temperature with a rectal thermometer.  A dog's temperature is normally between 99.5 and 102.5 - and if it is 103 or more - we are definitely overheated. If we appear disoriented, if our gums turn bright red or purple, or if we collapse, we are in REAL trouble.  We should be moved to a cool location. And we can be cooled down with water - maybe a hose - but not at full pressure. We should be encouraged (but of course not forced!)  to drink a bit of water.  We dogs have sweat glands in our feet - so make sure our feet are uncovered - and exposed to cool air. You can wipe us down with a damp towel - but some sources say that draping us in a damp towel will actually trap heat in.   If you think we are suffering heatstroke - you should get us to a Vet ASAP.

So enjoy the great summer weather.   Enjoy being outdoors.  Enjoy a barbecue.  Enjoy having a hotdog.  Just don't become one!

Stay cool!

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