Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Break a mirror today.

Today is September 13 and according to the crazy calendar, it's National Defy Superstition Day.   I guess its a day to debunk superstitions - so humans should go out of their way to find a ladder to walk under.  I decided to look up some superstitions having to do with dogs, and I am pretty sure we can debunk most of them.
  • Supposedly, a French superstition says that if you step in dog poop with your LEFT foot, you will have good luck.  In which case, my human MUST be THE luckiest person on the planet.  I'm not sure what happens if you step in it with your right foot.  She has stepped in it with both - so I guess your luck is neutralized.  Personally, I think that stepping in it with WHATEVER foot can HARDLY be considered lucky...
  • Another dog superstition says that if a dog retreats in a corner, or under a table, bad weather is coming.  Hello?  We would be living FOREVER in stormy weather if that was true.  Einstein LOVES to contort himself under tables and in corners.  All.  The . Time.
  • Reportedly in India, there is a superstition that say if you are bitten by a dog, you will become pregnant.  With puppies.  By now, my human would have enough dogs to have an official kennel.  Not that we bite her INTENTIONALLY.  Although her first dog, Barney did... But we sometimes give a nibble if we are playing hard - kind of like the FG and the funny bone the other day. Not sure what happens when a dog bites a man...
  •  Here's a good one:  Seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog.  And if you don't see a black or brown dog, you will NEED an ambulance.
 We are not generally very superstitious in this house.  Although we do believe that if our human has entered us in a dog show, we will be cursed with a bath.  That one always seems to come true.

Anyway, have a good one - and go take take a walk under a ladder.  But have some salt to throw over your shoulder - just in case.

Peace and paws up!

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