Sunday, September 17, 2017

Duck herding

OK so we don't have sheep.  But we DO have ducks. Well they aren't REALLY OUR ducks.  But that's OK - the FG is happy to herd them anyway.

Yesterday morning, I tried to get my human up at 4:30.  It was Saturday and I knew she wasn't going to work - so I figured she should get up so she would have a FULL day with us dogs. So I started squeaking.  She opened one eye, groaned, got up, put on some slippers and a robe and grabbed a leash.  Whoo-hoo I figured, it worked.  Wrongo.  As soon as I had a pee, she marched me back into the house, kicked off her slippers, turned out the light and went back to sleep.  IMAGINE my disappointment.  I let her sleep another hour and this time I tried another tactic.  I jumped on the bed, sat over her and stared.  She kept mumbling "5 more minutes."  Apparently I got off the bed and was back in 38 seconds.  Because I don't have a watch. She finally gave up, got up, got dressed and went to take Einstein and I out first. It was still darkish out, but  the sun was starting to come up.  She took us up as far as the entrance to the public trail and then turned around to come back home.  She said it was too muddy.  We came home and then it was the FG's turn.  By now the sun was up, so she figured she would take him over to the golf course.  She prepared herself for the adventure.  Leash.  And long line.  Two fetch toys.  Pockets stuffed with treats.  Poop bags.  Cell phone.  And off they went. The FG hasn't been loose on the course for some time.  So as soon as my human put the long line on him, his head exploded.  He could not WAIT to get the fetch toy.  He raced.  He ran.  He occasionally brought it back.  He was having a FABULOUS time.  And then he spotted a pond.  And he RACED in.  And swam around - totally in heaven.  This is a pretty big pond.  In fact, my human didn't notice that at the other END of the pond were a group of ducks...

The FG was racing in and out of the water.  And THEN he saw the ducks.  He leaped back into the water and started swimming toward them.  Most of the ducks saw him coming, and took off for the skies.  But a couple just kept on swimming - and giving the FG some VERY good exercise.  He finally gave up trying to herd them.  And decided it was time for fetch again.  His attention span is not really all that long.  But now he just wanted to have my human throw it - and he would take it into the brush along the sides of the fairway.  And he would roll on it.  My human figured the NEXT move would be to take off in the woods.  So he went back on leash.

He was pretty happy when he got home.  And while Einstein and I would enjoy a run on the course, we're not big into the swimming part.  And we KNOW what happened to me and the duck.  Hopefully the FG's little swim-a-thon wont set off a chain reaction with angry ducks again...

It's Sunday - another day "off" for my human.  What can we do today....

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!

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