Thursday, September 21, 2017

Dragging PONs

Yesterday was one of those days where my human got to see a difference between us PONs and the FG.  

It started at 3:45 AM.  I was standing next to my human's bed and breathing on her.  She opened her eyes, looked at the clock and said "Get over it Viktor - go back to sleep."  She didn't realize WHY I wanted her to get up.  But she did figure it out when she finally got up at 4:45.  When it had begun to POUR rain.  You see, I TRIED to get her up BEFORE it started.  But no - she wouldn't get up - so at 5AM she was outfitting two PONs in raingear.  As soon as Einstein spotted the coats when she came out of the garage - he ran. I got to wear the snazzy blue coat - and he had to wear the Gortex suit.  He stood like a mannequin while she put it on him.  And when she was done, he still wouldn't move.  She put on our leashes and dragged us into the hallway and opened the front door.  She literally had to push us out the door.  Einstein is usually bad, but I was actually the bad one yesterday.  In fact, Einstein pooped almost the minute he got out the door - but I didn't want to go.  So that meant we BOTH went for the walk.  Einstein was not impressed.  It was dark, rainy, windy and my human trudged down the road dragging two very unwilling PONs.  Every few steps, we would do what I call the "futile shake".  You know - when we dogs attempt to shake water off ourselves while we are STILL getting wet - like in the bath - or in the rain.  Not one of our more intelligent moves.  Anyway, I finally did my thing and the moment we headed for home, our funeral pace changed drastically and we raced home.  

Then it was the FG's turn.  And the behavior was completely the opposite.  He bounded out the door as if it was a bright sunny day.  And he was THRILLED wearing his raincoat.  He honestly liked the way he looked.  And rain - what rain?  He loves it.  When he did his thing, my human now had to drag HIM home.  He was NOT a happy camper when he had to come in.  Yup - we are two different breeds.

Thankfully today the weather is calling for sun.  And the weekend is looking pretty good.  But that means the dreaded puparazzi.  At least we get treats for that...

Have a good one.  Peace and paws up!

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