Friday, September 8, 2017

More books...

So today, September 8 is International Literacy Day.  And since many of you enjoyed the old book I found for Read a Book Day, I thought I could go down in my human's library and find another old book to review.  Now this book is not nearly as old - it is just from 1931 - so it's quite possible that someone reading this was around when it was published.  But chances are, most of you haven't read it.

So again, let's start with some quotes.  This one is from the chapter called "On Buying a Dog".  "Bitch or dog?- Generally speaking, bitches are more companionable and tractable than dogs, being more affectionate and less quarrelsome.  They are, as a rule, also cheaper and they are in every way as satisfactory as guards..."  Now THIS gets ME going!!!  Hello?  We boys are affectionate! And we are tractable.  Whatever that means.  So IF females are so much better, than explain to me WHY they are cheaper?!  There is something just plain WRONG with this logic.

And here's a good one from the chapter called "The Daily Routine - the Dog in the Home." The chapter is discussing how we must be given liberty to go in the garden or yard - and not to foul the pavements in the streets. They quote "If taken in hand early, it is possible to train them to avoid the flower beds, by using the injunction 'Ware bed."   I kid you not.  'Ware bed.  I can hear my human now... 'Ware bed.  'Ware bed.  As opposed to "STOP PEEING ON THE NEW PLANT.  VIKTOR.  VIKTOR.  VIK-TOOOOOOOOOR.  STOP!!!!!!!!!!"  Yeah - we'll SEE if  'Ware bed works.

I LOVE this part from the chapter titled "Making a Gentleman of Him."  Here's the part on Coming in to the Whistle or Call.  "Teach him to come in promptly on call or whistle.  Probably a whistle is answered better than a shout, and it is not so undignified.  It is as well to have some small biscuits with you which you can reward him occasionally.  If he does not answer readily to a call or whistle, turn around and walk away, and in all probability he will come in at once.  Then say "Heel." and resume your walk.  Getting him to do these two exercises properly (heeling and recall) means that you have accomplished something that is really material. It may take you a week or two to do it, but you will agree later on that time and trouble have been well spent."  OK.  So I LIKE that he uses treats.  That's positive.  But again, I have some questions about the logic.  So you walk away if Fido doesn't come when called.  And "in all probability he will."  But what if he doesn't?!  And hello - a week or two to get heelwork and recall down?  Try 5 years in this house.  Make that 7.  Oh and by the way, according to this, my human is VERY undignified.....

And then we have the breed photos.  I am actually happy to say that SOME of the breeds DO look very similar to the dogs today.  But I also found a few that looked a bit different...

The Irish Setter

The poodle (maybe the difference is just in the grooming...)

The German Shepherd...

And here are two I REALLY found interesting - the Lhasa Apsos and the BEARDED COLLIE.  Does that not look like a PON?!  Well - it IS where the Beardie  came from...

I have another book to share - it's a kid's book - and although the stories inside are not just about dogs, many are.  Many of the illustrations are super and for obvious reasons, I love the cover!  Enjoy!

Have a happy Friday.  Peace and paws up!

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