Sunday, September 3, 2017

Dog Show - Part 1

Well check out the photo my friends.  Yup.  That's the bounty from the dog show yesterday.   Just LOOK at those ribbons.  All colors and sizes.  Pretty darn impressive, right?  One might think they won big time.  Nope.  They didn't win a thing.  Well, I guess that's not ENTIRELY true.   And no, we didn't stop and buy those at the Dollar Store on the way home.   But the two beauty pageant contestants somehow didn't win any big prizes - but they still came home with legitimate ribbons...AND had a really good time....

When we arrived at the venue,  ( 3 hours early - to get us used to the setting - talk about overkill)  Auntie Glenda went to take the FG into the arena which was in a HUGE domed soccer field - with Astroturf.  The FG saw the Astroturf and promptly began to roll on it.  He LOVES rolling in grass - so he thought this stuff was REALLY cool.  He rolled and slid on his belly.  He was in heaven.  Auntie Glenda and my human needed to brush out the green sheen before he went in the ring....And my human was in a panic that he was going to do the same thing when she would be trying to show him....

Let me remind you that the FG and Einstein were entered a Specialty show, just for breeds in the Herding Group.  First we had the FG competing in the Puppy Sweepstakes. The other boy in puppy sweeps didn't show up.  We'll assume he heard he was competing against the FG - so he got scared and didn't even bother to come. SO - the FG wins Best in his class...only in his class.  STILL - he gets a big ribbon AND a cash prize.  So that's OK.  He goes on to compete against a bunch of female puppies and a female wins best puppy in Sweeps.  But he still gets Best of Opposite Sex - which means another ribbon.  And more cash.   So far so good.

So now it's Einstein's turn to go in for Veteran Sweeps.  He DOES actually beat another male Veteran in the 7-9 year age group - so he gets a ribbon.  And cash.  While he didn't beat the female Veteran (who was a lovely 9.5 yr old Australian Shepherd) - he gets Best of Opposite Sex- which means ANOTHER ribbon AND more cash.

So sweet.  Before the regular Specialty show starts, we are almost breaking even with our entry fees.  AND we have nice ribbons!

Both the FG and Einstein win the Best of Breed titles in the Specialty.  OK.  They were the ONLY PON and Picard competing.  BUT - they each get a lovely ribbon - AND a gift card for gas - which now means we have exceeded our entry fees.   BONUS.   Neither of them wins anything when they compete at the group level - BUT both of them:
  • were well behaved
  • did not pee or poop on the Astroturf
  • did not ROLL in the Asroturf
  • were good ambassadors for their breeds
 Einstein is kind of an old pro at the dog show thing.  He's calm, lounges around watching things until he goes in the ring and then gets his game face on.  He knows were his feet should be, how to look cute at the judge - he knows the drill.  One other competitor, who shows terriers, said Einstein is like the Perry Como of the dog show.  Mellow and smart and easy going.  He behaved perfectly for Auntie Glenda in the Group ring. 

The FG, on the other hand is bigger than life.  He has a "presence."  His feet still do NOT know where to go - and he doesn't care.  He's here for FUN.  My human lost count of how many people came by to ask "what he was," and to say how cute he was.  And while my human was concerned before the show that he hadn't really been socialized enough since his last show in February, her worrying was for naught.  Mr-Social was happy to give kisses to anyone to asked for them.  When people asked what he was, she didn't need to say "Irish wolfhund-coyote cross" - because he was behaving SO well.

And while the two of them were strutting their stuff, yours truly was given a brand new,  frozen marrow bone.  Heaven.  They were happy.  I was happy. 

The show is on today but no one in this house is entered.  It is also on tomorrow and the FG is going at it again.  Einstein and I will stay home and do guard duty. 

One thing about dog shows.  While some people DO get crazy serious, and frankly for some it is a job (like professional handlers), for most people, no matter what happens, they STILL take home THE best dog at the end of the day.  And that's really what it should be all about....

Have a good one!  Peace and paws up!

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