Friday, September 15, 2017


Busted.  BIG busted.  So I couldn't let the FG be the ONLY dog behaving poorly...

So the day before yesterday, my human stopped on the way home from work and picked up her mother to come to our place for supper.  Which of course we love.

So they got home and my human let the three of us out to pee, while she helped her mother into the house.  We were racing around having a  grand time - and then that awful phenomenon.  Silence.  My human dashed to the door and sure enough - no dogs in sight.  Then she heard a bark.  Yup - we were up at the neighbor's.  BUT we had an excuse.  Our buddy Jackson aka Pig Pen was up there visiting, as was Hudson - the other black Lab on the road.  Still - my human ran up with leashes in hand, knowing full well that the three of us would no doubt be peeing on their vegetables and pooping in their herbs.  When she got there - sure enough - all of us were enjoying our version of a dog party.  One neighbor had grabbed the FG - as he was attached to a long line.  When my human arrived on scene, we all of course ignored her.  Except the FG - who was happy to see her and basically saying "hey what took you so long to get to the party?"  Einstein and I on the other hand knew that our marking time was coming to a close.  So we raced around in a frenzy.  My human grabbed Einstein and put him on a leash and passed him to another neighbor while she went to grab me.  I was headed into the open garage - because to me, a garage means food as that is where ours is stored.  I raced around their vehicle looking for their food bin.  Which they don't HAVE, because they don't have a dog.  But they DO keep dog treats for roaming neighborhood vagabonds - and I was promptly rewarded for coming and sitting.  Einstein sort of sat - but the FG couldn't contain himself long enough to sit.

My human went to drag the three of us home - apologizing to the thankfully nice neighbors about the intrusion - with Pig Pen's human walking with the FG.  When we got half way down our driveway, my human released us from our bondage as she knew we would head home.  And she took the FG from the neighbor and thanked him.  She was JUST about to the front door and figured she would throw the fetch toy with the FG for a few minutes after she let us in the house.  So she let him go.  How do you spell "bad decision?"  Yup - he turned around and hightailed it back to the party.  "AGGGHHHHHHHH" my human shouted.  And perhaps an expletive as well.  She went back to the neighbors where the FG had again been captured and she AGAIN apologized for the intrusion.  As I said, we are SO lucky to have such GREAT neighbors.  This time, she never let him go until he was safely in the house.

That night when we went to bed, I was being a BIT of a brat.  I kept licking Einstein's head.  My human would tell me to stop.  I did for 2.4 seconds and I would start again.  Or I would lick myself.  Or chew the sheet.  My human got up and did something she has NEVER done - she said "everybody out."  Everybody meaning me and Einstein because the FG still sleeps in his crate. I thought we were going into the kitchen to get a midnight snack.  Imagine my HORROR when she closed the bedroom door.  I WAS MORTIFIED.  And so was Einstein.   SO mortified, that the next morning, my human discovered that the gate on the DFZ was not completely closed and SOMEONE had gone in and peed on the carpet.  Never did that before.  But never been banned from the bedroom either.  Who says we dogs aren't smart.  And maybe just a tad resentful...

So no banana yesterday morning.  My human was NOT happy over the pee on the carpet.  Hey  it cleaned up.  She did cave though, and we got to lick the yogurt container.  So clearly she still loves us. OK.  OK.  I was naughty.  But I was kind of due for it.  I promise I'll behave from now on.  Sure I will....

Well time to get back on guard duty.  It's FRIDAY.  Let the weekend begin.  Peace and paws up!!

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