According to the crazy calendar - today is Hug a Bear Day. For us it would be "destroy a bear day." We know that plush animals in this household have a short lifespan. Even our beloved bunny has to be guarded - or he could easily become an amputee. Like the last one...
We had not played Find the Bunny in quite some time, so when my human pulled him out the other night, we all went mad. Of course, I had to play first - because she could not stand my screaming if someone else played first. I was a very good bunny finder. 6 for 6 tries. However, I am not so keen about giving the bunny back. UNLESS there is a treat - then I'm good. After I played, it was Einstein's turn. The spectators are sequestered in the front hall where they can study the proceedings. And some of the hiding places. And frankly, I think THAT'S how Einstein found the bunny SO quickly each time. He remembered the hiding spots by watching me. He even got a few EXTRA turns - he was SO fast. And then it was the FG's turn. Ah yes. The comic relief. He is AWESOME at waiting in one room while my human goes to hide the bunny in another room. When she tells him to sit and wait he throws himself into a sit. It's kind of hard to describe - but he gets SO excited. And when he is finally told to "Find the Bunny" - well furniture moves. He races to the other room. And he is good at finding the bunny. BUT - he does NOT come back with the bunny. My human has to go after him. He figures it is his prize - and he couldn't care less about a measly treat. He would rather toss the bunny in the air. And RUN with it.
My human took us out for our walks EXTRA early this morning....and let's face it - we SAW the suitcase. We actually heard her spill the beans on the phone the other night - she is off to a "conference." But don't worry, even though she is gone, I'll still manage to write my blog - I'll see if the dog sitter can help me. Or I can always ask Einstein to help me - but the blog will be much more serious - he's just not a funny guy. Smart. Good bunny finder. But he just doesn't have MY comedic side.
I guess we'll have to behave for the sitter....say a prayer for her...
Have a good one. Peace and paws up!
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