Saturday, August 29, 2015


So yesterday began with my human sporting a bloody fat lip.  All before she even got out of bed.  Provided by a projectile PON who was SO happy to wake her up.  Yes.  That would be me.  At the very moment I was in mid air about to leap onto her chest and to greet the new day, my human went to get up and WHAM.  I got her.  I got her good. Oops.  Sorry.......

While she was checking for blood – which of course there was, Paxton decided to join the party – and so did Frodo.  Yes.  We are the dogs who are “not allowed” on the bed.  I have actually been sneaking up every night – my human awoke in the middle of the night to find me comfortably situated right behind her legs. No wonder she found it so warm sleeping.

Anyway, she’s still on vacation and yesterday was a HUGE celebration.  The tile guy FINALLY finished the tile work in the bathroom!  The project, which is taking longer than it probably took to build the Colosseum,  had been put on hold while my human was away – she didn’t want to burden the dog sitter with renovations – on TOP of looking after us.  So the reno resumed the day after she returned.  Now the next step includes installation of the shower door, the toilet, the sink and the cabinet.  Maybe THEN we’ll actually be allowed to take a look around.  I hope we like it. Honestly humans – it really IS easier just to poop in the woods.  And cheaper.

It’s a sunny day.  Time for some zoomies.  Have a good one!

©  Linda Wozniak

1 comment:

  1. Madame Suzcka says such behavior was frowned on in The Old Country.
