Monday, August 17, 2015

Rally on Lassie

Good day.  Yes – I am still on my blog-cation but my human just sent me a text – actually the text was for Frodo.  It seems my human has entered Frodo in some kind of dog show – doing something called “Rally Excellent.”  Not “Rally Mediocre” – that would be more my speed.  No.  Frodo gets to try for something called “excellent.” And now my human is beginning to panic since we have done no “official” training in months.  Now THIS should be entertaining.  I envision LOTS of treats for Frodo when she gets home.  Pax and I will just watch. 

Good thing this rally thing doesn’t involve walking on a leash on a trail.  Or demonstrating any kind of Lassie-like behavior.  What do I mean?  Well you know – Lassie was a famous collie – who could do anything and was especially good at saving people if they were in trouble.  Us PONs?  Not so good at channeling inner Lassie.  For example, last week while my human was walking Frodo and I on the trail one morning, she tripped and fell FLAT on her face on the trail.  She spontaneously let go of our leashes.  She lay there for a second and surmised that that were no SHARP pains – like the time she fell and broke her wrist.  So she slowly got up.  All the time Frodo and I were happily traveling along on the trail.  We didn’t give her a second look.  She mumbled that we had no Lassie-like instincts in our DNA.  But she was wrong.  We knew she was OK.  So why make a big deal of it?  Kind of like when a kid trips and falls.  If the parents get all stressed and “oooooo and awwwww” – the kid cries more.  But if the parents check them out and determine everything is OK, and they don’t get all upset, the kid is quickly better.  That’s what Frodo and I did.  We knew she was fine.  If she HAD been injured, one of us would have stayed with her, while the other one ran for help.  Suuuuuuure we would…..

OK.  That’s the update for today.  It’s HOT here.  Very hot. But we’re enjoying our time with the sitter.  And still eyeing the screen door…

Have a good one!

©  Linda Wozniak

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