Sunday, May 10, 2015


Two arrivals this week...

First, the telltale signs were there…the house was being “overly” cleaned.  Which meant one of two things.  My human was going somewhere. Or someone was coming to visit.  No suitcases in sight – so that meant COMPANY.  And I was right!  A good friend of my human's arrived Friday. For the SUMMER!!!  Time to PAR-TEEEEEEE.  This friend spoils us R-O-T-T-E-N.  I mean all we have to do is LOOK at him and he gives us a biscuit.  He rolls around on the floor and plays with us.  And yes.  He is an adult. He feels badly for us when we undergo the torture of grooming.  Which of course, we TOTALLY milk.  We are SO adept at making THE most pitiful faces when we have to do anything we don’t like (like going out in the rain) and he totally supports us.  He absolutely loves us.  And to be truthful, I know he is here to visit US and not my human.  But don’t tell her.

The other arrival...The FOXES have returned.  I THOUGHT I heard them the other night.  I started barking in the middle of the night.  And then I smelled them the other morning.  The problem now is that I want to BOLT out of the house in the morning when we go for our walk at 5 AM.  I am OBSESSED with trying to knock down the screen door in the morning.  My human has been training us to go out the door and sit to wait for a treat.  Frodo complies very well.  Me?  It is VERY, VERY difficult.  And honestly, after the treat, I still bolt to the end of the leash.  And attempt to drag my human up the driveway.  I haven't yet SEEN the foxes - but Paxton saw one on his walk on the trail the other morning.  My human spotted one ahead of them and when they came around a bend, he was sitting there waiting for them.  Paxton got excited, but his brain doesn't explode like mine does, so my human could easily control him. My human DREADS the day when I actually SPOT one...

Company and foxes.  Can life get any better? I've already done my fox patrol for the morning so now, please excuse me while I go and practice my pitiful looks….Yes.  Life is good.

Oh but before I close - and I must not forget - today is Mother's Day in North America.  Happy Mother's Day today - to humans AND canines. I didn't send my canine mother a card - but I'm CERTAIN she must read my blog!  Have a fabulous day - from your favorite son.

©  Linda Wozniak

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