Saturday, May 30, 2015

Training novice humans

Find the bunny.  The game you play in the middle of winter when you can’t go outdoors because the snow is too deep. Or the game you play when it is raining.  OR the game that you play when the black flies are SO bad outside that they could carry away the bunny.

My human has been working crazy hours the past few weeks, but her friend is staying with us – and he takes GREAT care of us during the day.  He was even taking us for lovely afternoon strolls.  Until the black flies decided HE was THE best thing they had ever eaten.  If you Google black fly bites and “images” and look for THE worst picture you can find, that would be close to what his legs look like. And his arms.  I’m sure there is some kind of Guinness Record he could win for bug bites.  When my human takes us for our morning walk at 5 AM there are no bugs.  Apparently they like to sleep in.  But by mid day, they are out in full force.  They’ll be gone in a week or two – but for now, we are back to playing “find the bunny” indoors with her friend.

And we are training him well.  VERY well.  We know I am a “find the bunny” expert but that I DO NOT exactly spit the bunny out when I bring him back.  But my human tells me to “give it up”, and I do.  Not so much for my human’s friend.  It’s an ever-changing challenge to get the bunny back.  He has had to resort to the threat of the squirt gun to get me to release the bunny.  That and a treat.

And Frodo? The ever-obedient Frodo?  The guy who obediently drops the bunny at my human’s feet?  He has her friend’s number too.  Frodo won’t let go either.  Again, the threat of the squirt gun and the bribe with a treat is used and the bunny is released.

As for Pax?  Remember we always let him go last in the game because he slobbers the bunny.  Pax continues to hold the title as the “find the bunny” superstar.  He finds it. He brings it back.  He drops it.  The dog who had 6 hours of obedience training versus the 600 hours that Frodo and I had.  He’s amazing.

We have also convinced my human’s friend that it’s OK to beg at the table AND to get on the furniture.  He helped us empty the treat jar in a week.  Did I mention we love this guy?!  We continue to train him well.  My human just gives us the “look” when she hears about our exploits each day.  We’re thinking about writing a manual on how to train novice humans.  It would no doubt be a best seller.

 I always say – never a dull moment in our house. 

©  Linda Wozniak

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