Thursday, May 28, 2015

Welcome. Except slugs.

May 28.  The holiday today?  The “Slugs Return to Capistrano Day”.  It’s not real.  It’s a parody on the day that the SWALLOWS return to Capistrano.  Capistrano isn’t anywhere near here. It’s in California.  The return of the swallows used to be an annual event in the spring.  Rumor has it the swallows don’t come back any more.  But humans always love an opportunity to celebrate – so the celebration still happens each spring.

Now the slugs.  Those guys don’t migrate, so the whole “holiday” is a joke.  BUT – I can report – that the slugs HAVE returned to our house.  And they are gross.   Again, God must have been having a bad day when he made those things.  They are slimy worm-like creatures – and they like to eat plants.  Like my human’s hostas.  My human LOVES hostas – she has probably 30 varieties. She loves them because you plant them and they come back year after year.  They can even survive some dog pee.  And they take up space.  And you don’t have to do anything special with them. Except watch for the slugs.  Slugs like to eat some hostas.  And my human wouldn’t EVER use slug poison – as it is VERY toxic to animals.

Every morning, we have to watch where we walk on the driveway – the slugs are out in full force.  And they won’t HURT us – but they CAN get caught in our hair. Which is oh-so-gross.  The only good thing – we have little slugs – like the size of your little finger.  BUT apparently IN the city of Halifax, they have GIANT slugs.   Like the size of baseballs.  Well maybe not THAT big – but pretty darn huge.  We’re just hoping they don’t migrate outside the city where we live.

So make like a slug and move slowly today.  Admire the foliage.  And watch out for birds.  Have a good one!

©  Linda Wozniak

1 comment:

  1. Viktor,
    Tell your human to bury a few saucers of beer level with the ground. The slugs will be very happy to drink it, until they figure out that they can't swim. If you drink some, well, you might get a bit tipsy, but you won't be poisoned and you can't drown in a saucer of beer!
