Saturday, May 9, 2015

National Lost Sock Memorial Day

Today, May 9 is National Lost Sock Memorial Day.  Seriously.  I couldn’t make this one up.

Now you humans know all about the phenomenon of lost socks.  It happens all the time.  It is kind of like magic.  They just disappear.  Somewhere.  You start out with a pair.  You go to do laundry.  And poof.  One is gone.  To sock heaven.

But in our household, lost socks could have a much less mysterious reason for their disappearance.  It's called Paxton.   The Bernese Sock Monster.  Any time my human does laundry, she does a careful pre-wash and then post-wash count.  Paxton has been one of several Bernese she has owned who likes to eat inedible objects.  You may recall that Paxton ate my human’s sling from her broken arm last winter.  Another Bernese she owned ate socks.  And mittens.  And one time, a BUNCH of stuff.  That time he had to have surgery.  When the Vet showed my human the bag of “stuff” after the surgery, my human asked if it was a record.  He said “yes”.  She asked if there was a prize – of a free surgery.  No such luck.

Last year, before the sling incident, Paxton managed to get a hold of 3 pairs of leather gloves.  And yours truly was with him.  We broke into a closet.  My human discovered the carnage quickly and decided she could do only one thing.  Get the gloves back.  The proper dosage of hydrogen peroxide will usually help in “returning” the lost clothing.  Sure enough. One dose, and Paxton became the canine gumball machine – spitting out those gloves.  Yours truly sadly suffered from guilt by association – but the contents of MY stomach was free of any remnants.  Frodo didn’t undergo the purging – he’s too good to eat inedibles. 

Given the record of eating inedibles in this house, it sounds like my human isn’t diligent when it comes to guarding things.  Let me assure you.  She IS.  And if a sock disappears, like they normally do in most households, she will search for days.  And things are NOT routinely accessible to us.  But all it takes is a pair of gloves on a counter- left there for a minute.  Or a dropped sock on the way to the laundry…

Today we take a moment to remember all those lost items.  And we hope, that if they disappeared with the help of a canine…that they WILL one day reappear.  If you know what I mean…

©  Linda Wozniak

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