Monday, November 14, 2016

Secret Service. And Full Moons

OK - so I didn't run for DOTUS.  Just as well - too much drama for me.  BUT I found another way to get into the White House.  I can become a Secret Service Dog.  There are dogs who sniff out explosives and there are dogs who are called personal screening canines (PSC)- who discretely sniff out visitors to the White House.  But I think I want to be on the ERT -Emergency Response Team.  These dogs go after bad humans - and let's just say, they don't tap the person on the shoulder and say "excuse me - you don't belong here."  These dogs are fast as lightning and will take down an intruder.  The only problem for me - they are all Belgian Malinois.  Which seems to be a bit of discrimination if you ask me. Mind you, those dogs may take a beating by intruders.  Maybe I would be better as a PSC - they look friendly, but are ever vigilant.  

There's a new book that just came out about Secret Service Dogs.  I think I'll put it on my Christmas list.

Last night there was a huge full moon - supposedly the largest and brightest in the sky since 1948.  I don't know about that since I wasn't around in 1948, but I also found out the full moon in November has another name - the Beaver Moon. The Aboriginal people named it that because it was the time of the month to set beaver traps, before the swamps froze.  And speaking of the beaver, he sure is active down on the lake.  Now I understand that term "Busy Beaver".  There are all kinds of branches floating along the shoreline.  We haven't actually seen him and my human is just as happy about that.  She went down to see his work last night and shot this photo - just as the sun was going down.  None of us were with her.  That's why she could take the shot.  

We were all rather naughty last night.  Well - just a bit more naughty than usual.  And it was great - we had THE perfect excuse.  That unusual full moon.  I don't know what our excuse will be tonight - but I'm sure we'll think of something!

Have a good one!

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