Monday, March 27, 2017

Doggie Expo. And unhappy dogs.

I am just SO annoyed with my human I could trade  her in.  OK. Maybe that's a BIT dramatic - but ALL of us were VERY unhappy with her yesterday...

It seems there was a BIG event yesterday - The Doggie Expo. It's an annual event that is sponsored by the Greyhound Pets of Atlantic Canada - which is an organization that has helped to find homes here in the Atlantic provinces for more than 4,100 retired racing greyhounds over the years.   They are a great organization and for 13 years have been holding the Doggie Expo as a way to raise funds for their organization and to raise awareness about what they do.  The Expo has grown and grown over the  years and yesterday there were more than 110 exhibitors who included dog clubs, rescue groups, veterinary clinics, and vendors such as groomers, trainers, photographers and folks selling every type of food, toy, treat and apparel imaginable.   And get this - ANY DOG CAN GO TO THE EXPO.   But did any dog from OUR house go?  No.   And WHY did none of us get to go to the closest thing to Doggie Disney World in our neck of the woods?!  Well, here's the deal.  The event is popular.   VERY popular.  And it gets crowded.  VERY crowded.  VERY VERY crowded.  And while most dog owners are awesome and conscientious about their dogs, let's just say that not everyone is.  There are some humans out there who are not always ....hmmmmm....the most astute about making decisions.  Other humans might say "that person is not the sharpest knife in the drawer."  We dogs would say "he's not the bounciest ball in the toy box."  Or "his bowl of kibble is only half full."  You get my drift.  So those folks don't always pay attention to their dogs.  And it can make for a very stressful event when dogs are crammed SO close together - and some humans are not paying attention.   One example is not even noticing that Fee Fee is pooping as she is walking and they keep on going - leaving doggie poo for someone else to pick up.  Or step in.  And not every human reads the signals we dogs are giving off if we are stressed or worried.  Which can make for some tense moments.

So even though all of us are quite used to going to dog shows, and matches, and training classes, my human thought that maybe we should stay home. While she went.  At least that's her excuse.

Allow me to share some photos from the show we didn't attend.  
This is an overview of part of the arena.  

And here are some lucky Goldens sampling treats. 

OK.  These are called Snuffle Mats.  Apparently you put treats or kibble in between the fabric, so the dog has to sniff it out.  I'm thinking that would not work in THIS household.  We would either RIP the thing to shreds or, better yet, pick it up and shake out the treats.  No wonder my human didn't buy one.

This was the booth of a great organization that helps senior humans if they cannot care for their dogs. And they also help in the care of senior canines.   What a wonderful idea!!!

Here is one of MANY treat booths.  I'm drooling just looking at it.

And here is none other than Auntie Glenda and Brick - who were there with the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Canada booth.   Brick was a great ambassador. 

The ONLY reason we have forgiven my human for going without us, is that she returned with a variety of treats.  AND some moose antlers.   Who can stay mad at a woman with moose antlers in her hand?!

Next year, I suggest that she get a P2 booth.  That's what we will call it.  A booth to tell people all about PONs and Picards!  And THEN we can go.  And sit on the grooming table like we have all done at dog shows at Meet the Breed.   Perfect.  That's one way for me to get in that thing.   Maybe next year....I'll start making the display....

Anyway- congrats to the Greyhound people for putting on such a successful event!  Have a happy Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Love the expressions! Reminds me of my Dad...a favorite of his was.."If he had two brains, one would be lonely!". My guys missed the Expo too....
