Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Ides of March

March 15.  The Ides of March.  The day that Julius Caesar met his demise. So then they named a salad after him.  Rumor has it that people in Caesar's time paid a lot of attention to their dogs.  As they should.  Dogs were featured in artwork, poetry and prose.  Dogs were seen as companions and were kept as guardians of the home and the flocks.  And they were later used in combat.  But Caesar reportedly rebuked the citizens of Rome and told them to pay more attention to their children than their dogs.  I guess he didn't own a dog himself.  But he did have a giraffe.  Which he brought back from Egypt - while visiting Cleopatra.  And then he fed it to his lions in the Coliseum.  Seriously.  I couldn't make this stuff up.  Seems to me that if Caesar had owned a big guard dog, he would not have met his demise.  Just sayin'.

And speaking of murder, one would have THOUGHT there was a murder occurring in the garage aka grooming torture palace the other night.  Which could mean only one thing.  Frodo was being groomed. Now we all know Einstein is the "good dog" in the house.  Yes - he DOES bark a BIT too much in the morning - but he claims it is just his morning wake up song.  But he doesn't run off, doesn't steal things, LOVES to pose for the camera like some kind of runway model and he remembers his obedience routines, even when he hasn't been trained in FOREVER.

But put the genius on the grooming table, and his behavior is a word - pathetic.  He moans and squeaks.  And pulls his feet away.  And generally looks like he is being TORTURED as he is lying on the table.  But stop the process for 1/1000th of a second and he HAPPILY pops up to grab a treat.  No signs of anguish or pain in THAT face.  My human gave him three, yes THREE pockets full of treats throughout the process.  He is SUCH a drama king - he knows how to milk it.  Yup.  A temperamental runway model.  That's him.  But I BET he posed like a pro for the St. Patrick's Day photos.  We'll just see...

Have a good one.

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