Sunday, March 19, 2017

Well behaved dogs. One third anyway.

So yesterday morning we let our human sleep in until 6:15 and then insisted she get moving - we wanted our EXTRA LONG Saturday morning walks.  First the FG got his chance.  They actually went up to the golf course, with his long line in tow.  And guess what?!  He was WELL behaved!  My human never called him - unless he was within grabbing distance of the line.  And he was GOOD.  He came to HER for fun and pats.  She also paid no attention during those times when he was on his leash and started grabbing and pulling and acting like a bumblebee on drugs.  She simply stopped, didn't say a word, but would not move.  After several attempts , he FINALLY seemed to get the concept that if you act like a banshee, you don't go anywhere.  AND you get no attention.  So he would stop pulling and chewing the leash, stare at my human and then walk along quite nicely.  At which point she would reward him and tell him how brilliant he was.  So perhaps he IS trainable during this teenage stage!

And then you have us PONs.... So we went up the trail and then headed over to the golf course too.  Now we all know that Einstein is well behaved.  He can be let off the leash and will come when called.  99% of the time.  IF he doesn't return on a first call, but comes back after his name is called twice, he gets no treat.  A "good boy", but no food.  It's like saying to a three year old, you can't have that ice cream cone, but you are a well behaved little boy.  Who cares.  Anyway, Einstein KNOWS the drill.  Now my human wasn't going to let me off the leash.  She has spotted some of those white Easter bunnies lately and figured they would be too much of a temptation should I see one.  But I was walking along with her SO nicely while Einstein was trotting ahead, she had this momentary lapse - and decided to let me off.  As she was bending over to let ME off leash, she called to Einstein to come over.  He immediately headed our direction then suddenly put his head in the air, and then pressed his nose to the ground and he was precisely the same moment that the clip on my leash snapped and released me from my bondage. So you guessed it. TWO PONs off into the brush.   My human called Einstein.  She called me.  No returns.  She started heading the direction from which we had come, and suddenly Einstein appeared.  Knowing full well that his time of freedom would now come to an end.  But no sign of yours truly.  She called.  And called.  And probably said some words not publishable here.  Anyway, when I emerged from the brush in what was probably a minute later, I met the end of a leash.  And Einstein and I had our EXTRA long walk reduced to a long walk.  In bondage.  Still the walk WAS fun.

As a last note - and I almost hate to say this - I haven't had any you-know-whats in over 12 days now.  Paws crossed the diet and medication  is working.  One thing we know for sure, though - neither the diet or medication change have altered my behavior.  Thank goodness.

Have a good one!

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