Sunday, June 18, 2017

Battle of the Poles

So my human and Einstein have a new little battle going on.  Well, it's not REALLY new - but I suppose I just haven't written about it in some time.  It's the morning bark-a-thon.  As we all know, Einstein LOVES to bark in the morning.  He barks out his commands for my human to take him out - and barks out his commands to feed him.  Quickly.  But now that summer has FINALLY arrived - and all the windows are open, my human is acutely aware that not EVERY neighbor within a 2 mile radius necessarily wants to hear him shouting out his commands.  So my human simply holds up the infamous squirt gun - and all is silent in the world.  When she takes us for our walk, he is completely quiet - unless of course he happens to see a neighbor walking down the road.  Or a rabbit.  Then he starts up.  But in general, our walk is totally quiet.

Then it's the FG's turn for his walk. And HERE is where the problem begins.  Because as soon as she walks out the door with the FG, Einstein begins his chorus.  She RACES back in and instructs him to "BE quiet."  Which he does.  Until she is 50 feet from the door.  And then he begins again.  So she RUNS back, throws open the door - and he stands there silently.  Yesterday she never heard him as she went all the way up the driveway and onto the road.  She thought he was content.  She walked the FG up and down the road - the walk lasted about 20 minutes.  As she started coming down the driveway, she heard it.  Yup.  The barking.  So she started running like a mad woman.  With the FG in hot pursuit.  And of COURSE, Einstein HEARD her coming - so he fell silent as she opened the door.  He just stared at my human.

Perhaps he is going to need something special to chew on while my human and the FG go out.  That MIGHT work - but I want whatever it is he gets.  So we need two of whatever chew item is decided.  I suggest a sirloin steak.  But I'm thinking that will probably NOT be an option.  Maybe a carrot.  Mind you, he can devour most things in 47.3 seconds - so not SURE that will work. So,  it's that - or a muzzle.  Nah - he'll figure out how to bark with a muzzle on.  The canine ventriloquist.  I can see it now...

One more day with company.  We got to meet the special guests yesterday - it was two of my human's cousins - from Detroit and Buffalo.  We were actually on good behavior when they came over.  We didn't jump on them or act all crazy..  OK, we did bark at first - but were then FINE.  The FG got a BIT crazy, but even he was not totally bad.  We wish they could stay longer - they go home today.  They seemed VERY nice.  They are "dog people" so how could they NOT be nice!

Have a good one.  You know we will!

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