Saturday, June 3, 2017

We crossed the line. Really.

OK.  We went over the line.  I must confess, we were very bad yesterday - and we went SO far as to make our human cry.  You all know that we can be a little naughty at times.  OK - a lot naughty.  And she is able to put up with our antics.  But yesterday she completed her intensive time at work.  From what I gather from eavesdropping on her phone calls, her work is very rewarding - but sometimes a tad mentally and physically draining.  So here she comes home exhausted after wrapping up 4.5 weeks of work, and instead of welcoming her and being all happy for her...well I hate to confess this - but we all took off.  First I spotted a bunny when she let me and Einstein out.   And I was gone.  So much for the New Year's resolution.  I was off into the woods.  She could hear me barking in pursuit in the distance.  And THEN Einstein followed me.  The dog who doesn't like to get messy.  So she shouted and reminded us we hadn't had supper.  Didn't matter.  So she was down two PONs.  The FG was safely secured in the fenced run on the side of the house.  So she went to get him.  BUT - she was SO tired, she left the screen door unlatched..He raced through the garage and was OUT the door.  He came into the woods looking for us.  So now she was down three dogs.  

Long story short, she rather dramatically sobbed as she prepared to head down the trail to the lake to find us.  Einstein and I actually returned before she hit the trail.  She put us in the house, and then spent probably 15 minutes chasing the FG.  Every time she was close to him - he bolted.  And my human trudged sadly along.   I might add that in addition to being totally exhausted, she is sporting a dark purple finger - from slamming it in the front door the night before - when going to take one of us out for our nightly pee.  

She finally gave up chasing the FG - who actually followed her back to the house - in the woods just out of sight.  He lay down 10 feet from the front door.  Of course when she went to get him, he bolted AGAIN. He eventually came in when she opened the front door.  

The remainder of the night, we were ALL very well behaved.  I didn't style Einstein's hair and the FG didn't destroy the carpet.  We all knew we crossed the line.  And you know, we weren't REALLY trying to be bad - we were just celebrating the fact that she is finished her work - for now- and she has a bit of a break.  We just rejoiced by going for a joy run.  That's what we'll call it...

Today we let her sleep in.  Until 5:30.  We figured she needed some sleep.  And she was all happy and relaxed when she got up.  It's a new day.

We MAY be well behaved today.  But no guarantees.  I mean, we DO have a blog to write.

Have a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Well now...I believe that today you must all be on your very best behavior. She deserves a real rest!
