Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Seizures. Part 2.

We dodged a bullet.  A prickly bullet.  And I wonder if the neighbors heard my human scream...

So I wrote yesterday about my seizures.  And if two wasn't enough - I had ANOTHER one at 1 AM yesterday morning.  Which has my human worried, puzzled and again studying for her internet veterinary degree. What has she learned?  One of the meds I am taking can cause one of the side effects I am having - even after being on the drug for some time.  She also learned that it is NOT uncommon for seizures to appear after a period without them.  And she also learned that some essential oils can REPORTEDLY trigger seizures in some dogs.  Two of the listed oils are eucalyptus and rosemary.  Look familiar?  Yup I listed them in the ingredients in the "all natural" tick repellent she has sprayed on us.  Coincidence?  Possibly.  But it did necessitate a quick bath before she went to work yesterday.  I'm sure the amount of oils in the repellent are not high - but who knows.  Better safe than sorry.  No more spray for me - and I think Frodo will be having a bath as well.  The FG swam on Sunday morning - so he no longer smells like potpourri.

Anyway, after I had my 1 AM seizure, my human went to take me out.  I was on a leash, and for SOME reason, instead of just walking near the house, she decided to walk up the driveway - because she had put on her headlamp.  And we were walking and I suddenly stopped to sniff something in the bushes.  My human shone the light in my direction and screamed when she realized what I was sniffing.  A PORCUPINE!!!!!!  She nearly toppled over backward pulling me away as Mr. Needles rustled off into the brush.  She felt all over my face to make sure I had no needles in me.  Now wouldn't THAT have made an already bad situation even WORSE?!

We came back home and I quickly went to sleep - AFTER I had something to eat.  When I have one of these things I become ravenous - even MORE than I normally am.  If you can imagine that.

So keep your fingers crossed that we get this under control again.  I'm generally a positive kind of guy - so I think we will.  And a few prayers wouldn't hurt either...One thing I know for sure - SOMEBODY up there was looking over me when I met Mr. Needles...

Have a good one.

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