Sunday, February 12, 2017

Good news. Bad news.

Well I am NOT impressed with that overgrown chipmunk, beaver-wanna-be - the groundhog.  Ever since he made his prediction that we would be having an early spring, we have had one snowstorm after another.  Really.  Just in the last week, we had one Thursday night and we are supposed to be having another one tonight.  And it would be fine, but it's soooooooo cold, we end up limping around in the snow.  Have to dig out the boots.

So Big Brother was set up Friday night.  And I hate to even report this - but what did it capture on Saturday morning, while my human was walking Elroy?  It captured me.  Having a seizure.  Same as usual - under a minute.  My human came in just as it was ending.  As soon as it started, Frodo ran to the door and started barking - as if he was calling for help.  Really. So although it was hard for my human to watch - she certainly has seen me have one before -she will now be able to know what happens when she is not at home.  After I had those two seizures a couple of weeks ago, my vet said we would not change my medication if I didn't have another for two weeks.  The one I had on Saturday was 3 weeks later.  And like one of the last ones, it happened minutes before I was due to get my medication.

My human has been reading quite a bit about Epilepsy - and she has lots of questions for the vet. Lots of questions.  And the good news is that with Big Brother, she will know what happens if she's not around.  So that's a good thing.  Mind you, I'm not thrilled that she has it set up so she can watch if I counter surf.  Or do anything naughty.  Someone suggested it's just like Santa.  Great.  This thing, while it clearly has merits, is definitely going to cramp my style.  Wonder if I can lobby for "Watch-free" days?  Or maybe I can just edit the tape...

Have a good one!

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