Saturday, July 22, 2017

Happy birthday Alex

It's July 22 and the birthday of my favorite Canadian game show host - Alex Trebek!  Alex is the host of Jeopardy.  Alex appears to be a pretty smart guy - but then again, he is the one who reads the questions - I don 't think he makes them up.  He once owned a dog who was taken away by a coyote.  Yowza.  BIG bummer.  On a lighter note, geography is his favorite category.  He is a philanthropist and has traveled to many countries with World Vision.  So there is some Alex trivia for you - if Alex himself is ever a category.

So while we are on the Jeopardy topic - try the following link to see what you know about dog breeds. Just press start to try it out.

How much money did you win?  Or lose?

And the following question was the final Jeopardy question on May 24, 2017.  Do you know the answer?

This popular small dog breed is named for the man who was the Vicar of Swimbridge for almost 50 years, beginning in 1832.

And the answer is........

What is a Jack Russell terrier?

 And here's a final Jeopardy question from April 6, 2017.
Old circuses like “Gentry’s Equine & Canine Paradox” gave rise to this idiom referring to any elaborate presentation.

And the answer is......... 

What is a dog and pony show?

My human says if she was on the show and they asked those  questions, she would have gotten them correct.  But with her luck, the question would have been about quantum physics.  Not her forte.  

Anyway - Happy Birthday Alex.  And hey - do you know Liam Neeson?  Any idea when he is moving in?

Have a good one.

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