Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Feeling blue. Part 2.

OK.  So yesterday, I shared the "good part" of the blue day.   Well - good for Einstein and me - but not so good for my human with the blueberry cravings. But then there was the not-so-good parts of that day...

In the morning, before the grocery shopping hunt, my human went to take Einstein and I out for our morning walk.  And she thought the FG would be happy in his run outside while we went.  Guess what?  He wasn't.  He started squeaking and barking and moaning - like he was being tortured.  And this was OF COURSE at like 6 AM.  So she raced back down the driveway and gave him one of those Yak chew things.  Your remember them?  The things that Einstein and I tried to devour - and we ended up with the poops.  Well the FG is a much more careful chewer - so they were not a problem for him.  So my human took one outside, gave it to the FG  and attempted again to take Einstein and I for our constitutional.  The FG dropped it and proceeded to let out his mournful tune again.  So my human took him back in the house.   She grabbed the Yak thing on the way in.  She noted that it was shorter - clearly the end broke off when he dropped it.  But she didn't search for it and took him (and the longer piece back in the house).  By now you are no doubt wondering why the long discussion of Yak treats.  Trust me there is a reason I am yakking on about this.  So with the FG now in the house, with the windows closed and his Yak treat IN his crate,  off  we went for our walks.   Then the FG went for his.  All was right with the world.

After getting the groceries, and after the blueberry frenzy, my human started doing some much overdue housecleaning.  She claimed you could "grow tomatoes" on our kitchen floor.  Talk about dramatic.  Anyway while she was cleaning, she decided to put ALL of us in the run outside.  So off we went.  But yours truly doesn't really like it out there - so I started barking.  AND barking.  She decided to let us back in so she opened the door to the garage and we ran through and into the house.  And she noted that Einstein was unusually quiet...and he raced under the dining room table.

And that's when she heard a crack and some chewing.  "WHAT do you have?" my human asked Einstein.  And her often slow brain quickly made the connection - he found that piece of Yak treat and was trying desperately to chew it up.  She got a hold of him and pulled the thing out of his mouth.  Phew.  Poop problem averted.

It wasn't until later in the day that she noticed Einstein pawing at his face.  She wondered if he had been stung by something.  She looked his face over, but couldn't see anything.  He stopped the pawing and she forgot about it.  But later in the day, he was at it again.  So she whisked him onto the grooming/operating table.  She looked all over his face.  His ears.  And then decided to look at his teeth.  Well GUESS what?!  If one tries really hard to chew a Yak treat, one can BREAK OFF his canine tooth.  Well, not the WHOLE tooth.  Just 2/3.  "AAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" my human shouted.  Einstein just looked at her.  No more beauty pageants for old snaggletooth.

He has an appointment with the Vet on Thursday.  He doesn't seem to be in major discomfort - and it certainly hasn't changed his appetite.  Never a dull moment.  We figured our Vet hasn't gone on a nice vacation lately - so we should help with paying for the holiday.

And if THAT wasn't enough of a blue story - stay tuned tomorrow for the REST of the story...and my new journey into the world of cannabis....

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