Tuesday, December 1, 2015

WHO did this?!

“Who did this?”   The famous three words that humans utter when a canine has demonstrated some undesirable behavior.   And yes – we heard them yesterday and for ONCE my human wasn’t REALLY sure whom she was directing them to.  Usually humans know fully well WHO has performed the bad deed – whether it is stealing something, pooping or peeing somewhere that is not allowed (like peeing on the BBQ on the deck) or destroying something….

Remember how I mentioned the “incident” with the dog Christmas ornament last year?  Well.  SOMEONE snuck into the DFZ while my human was in the shower, and decided to “rearrange” some of the decorations on the dog tree.  The irony?  The choice of decorations.  A regular ornament, two stuffed dog ornaments – one who had his collar removed, AN OBEDIENCE ribbon, and lastly – a little stocking that reads “GOOD DOG.”  Bwhahahahahahaha.  Good one.

The gate to the DFZ wasn’t fully latched.  Now we can probably rule out Paxton.  He doesn’t like moving the gate.  At ALL. But neither Frodo nor I were in the DFZ when my human got out of the shower.  Frodo was in the front hall – and I was lying comfortably in the dining room.  Both of us looked TOTALLY innocent.  Frodo and I are good at that.  Pax, on the other hand, has NO poker face.  For example, when my human came in from a walk with me the other morning, all she had to do was LOOK at Paxton and she KNEW he had done something.  She came in the house to examine what it was and found a roll of half destroyed paper towel on the dog bed.  His face gave him away. 

But the mystery of the Christmas decorating scandal remains.  She probably wouldn’t even have noticed – but the culprit DID leave the gate partly opened – which tipped her off.  That’s when she went into the DFZ and saw the scene of the crime.  At least whoever did it didn’t pull the ears off the dog like last year….

I’m guessing the gate to the DFZ will be securely latched from here on in.  But remember, we PONs are SMART, and if we want IN – we WILL find a way.  Bwhahahahahahhaha.

The two stuffed dogs, the stocking (with the message NOT visible!), another ornament AND the OBEDIENCE ribbon.

©  Linda Wozniak

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