Monday, May 23, 2016

Something is wrong with me. Not.

My human is worried that something is wrong with me.  Little does she know that my odd behavior is simply what one calls intermittent reinforcement.

Yesterday morning, we let her sleep in until 5:30.  And that was enough sleep as far as we were concerned.  Especially on a weekend. So just as we were getting ready to go out for our morning constitutional aka bunny hunt, my human got a text from our neighbor - Jackson's human.  Did we all want to go for a run/walk together?  Sure!  So off we went to meet Jackson.

I'm sure I've mentioned before that Jackson behaves.  Yes, he goes in EVERY puddle, pond, body of water he sees, but he's a Lab, and otherwise he is very well behaved.  So he gets to run free.  And Velcro dog got to run free.  But moi?  Well my human was hesitant as we KNOW I DO have a tendency, ON OCCASION, to go off exploring.  But my human decided to roll the dice and take a chance.  And here is where the intermittent reinforcement comes into play.  Not only did I NOT run off, I didn't want to leave her side.  It got to the point where she had to keep saying "Go - free - be free - go play." In fact, I was SO well behaved that she started to wonder if something was wrong with me.  But you see, it is all part of training.  You behave on one walk, and not only do you get extra treats, but the next time you go for a run, you are assured that you will be allowed off leash again.  Trust me- this is part of a bigger plan.  Training humans is SUCH great fun.

Have a super Monday!

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