Friday, February 5, 2016

And in the news....

February 5.

Time for some dog news.  I think the CRAZIEST story I read this week comes from the UK.  It seems that residents of the village of Alresford have not been diligent about picking up their dog’s poo.  So…the town has set up a system where they can test a dog’s DNA from a cheek swab and match it to the poo.   Of course there are all kinds of issues as to whether an owner can be forced to provide a DNA sample.  Seriously??????   Maybe the town should set up hidden cameras EVERYWHERE to see who the offenders are!  Come on people – just PICK UP the poo!!!

In another story…. Humans often use devices to help them measure their level of fitness and activity throughout the day.  I guess because they can’t remember what they did.  Or they need it to motivate themselves.  Anyway,  someone got the bright idea that maybe we dogs need similar devices.  To measure our level of fitness.  I think it’s a great idea - as long as I can transfer the data to my iPawd.  Clearly some humans have lots of money to burn!

And then there was the story of the dog who ate her way through her front door.  Her owner came home and she was sticking her head out through the door where the letter box had been.  My human watched the interview with the dog's human and heard about all the bad things the dog had eaten and destroyed.  OK.  I KNOW that dogs can be bad.  And I live with PONdini.  But at WHAT point does a human think about a crate – for the dog’s safety?  Hello?  I mean she SEEMS nice enough – but come on!!!

And lastly, we have the story of the Bloodhound who was let out of the house by his human to have a pee, and the dog decided to follow along with some runners – who were competing in a half marathon!   Not only did Ludivine complete the half – she had a seventh place finish!  She even got a medal for her result.  My burning question – was she wearing a fitness device?

That’s the crazy news for today.  Have a great fit day!!!

©  Linda Wozniak

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