Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I did it MY WAY....

February 17.  According to the Crazy Calendar, today is My Way Day.  A day to do everything the way YOU want to do things.  My human thinks every day for dogs is My Way Day –especially if you are a PON.  Did I ever mention that we CAN be a BIT stubborn?

For example…the other day we went out for a run outside.  It had been snowing – and we had a great time.  When we came inside, it was time to eat.  And when it is time to eat, we are expected to sit and wait until our human tells us it is OK to dive into our food bowls.  The only problem?  I REFUSED to sit.  I mean REFUSED.  At first my human thought it was because I had some snowballs on and between my legs.  But so did Frodo.  And he was sitting.  So she asked me again.  And I refused.  And she asked AGAIN.  And I refused.  I refused at least 10 requests.  At which point my human told Frodo and Paxton that they could eat since they were drooling all over the floor.  She decided that MAYBE it WAS because of the snowballs so she took me in the “grooming room” and put some warm water on my legs – just enough to melt the snowballs.  They were GONE.  So we went back to my food bowl and she told me to sit.  You can see the battle here - two strong Polish personalities fighting it out.  You guessed it, I refused to sit.  I just looked at her like I had NEVER heard the word before.  She asked again and I refused.  At which point my clever human told me to “get ready” a command she uses if we are going to do obedience heel work – and I am supposed to sit next to her.  Well.  She TRICKED me.  I quickly went next to her and sat right down.  So CLEARLY I COULD sit.  So in a rare moment of human brilliance, when I was seated next to her, she told me to “stay”, said “good sit” and then told me I could have my dinner.  So she won.  And she got HER way.

So although my human THINKS every day is My Way Day for dogs, I do disagree.  If I had MY WAY, there would be open access to the dog food 24-7.  I would be allowed to sleep on my human’s bed all the time.  All grooming tools would be banished and there would be no such thing as the DFZ.  Although lately, we have managed to get “OUR” way in sneaking in there.

Anyway, I do intend to take full advantage of this holiday and will exercise my full right to have MY WAY.   I can hardly wait for supper time.  Again. And I'll be humming along to Frank Sinatra in my mind...

©  Linda Wozniak

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