Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Sunday

Today is something called Superbowl Sunday.  It’s where people sit around and watch guys try to pass a ball around and try to knock each other down.  And the people who are watching, eat all kinds of junk food.  It's a really healthy day. This year, there are animals competing – broncos and panthers.  I don’t REALLY have a preference myself – but my human would probably be in trouble with her relatives from North Carolina if she didn’t root for those mountain lions.  The only reason I like to watch the game is for the commercials.  Especially the DOG commercials.  Some beer company has done some very cute commercials the last two years with puppies and horses.  Check them out – but before you do, my apologies for the commentary – I could not find good examples without the descriptions:

Here is one from 2014:

And another one from 2015:

And here's one clever rescue dog from 2012:

And this gem:

And then we have THIS new commercial for 2016:
And I thought wearing antlers was bad!

Clearly these companies KNOW that dogs can sell a product.  I couldn’t find any with PONs though…gotta work on that.

Yesterday I must confess,  I was QUITE annoyed with my human.  An old friend had contacted her to see if they could get together and take us dogs for a walk.  Her friend just recently adopted a 2 year old Australian Shepherd girl, and her friend is looking for canine playmates.  They decided they would go to a HUGE park in Halifax, which allows dogs off leash on some trails.  So my human’s dilemma?  Which of us to take.  She thought about Paxton – he is friendly with EVERYBODY – canine and human.   But my human didn’t trust him off leash – and to keep him on leash would have been a nightmare, because the ground was still icy in spots.  So he was off the list.  She thought about taking me for .008 seconds because I AM friendly too – but my recall is not as reliable as Paxton’s.  And we know he’s pretty bad.  So GUESS who got to go?  Frodo!  Yup.  Mr. Perfect got to go into the big city.  And he went in the giant park.  And he even went OFF leash.  And never took off.  He pretty much ignores other dogs, so he wasn’t exactly the most robust playmate.  And then there was that point on the walk where he came to a small “stream” of water that went across the trail and he refused to cross it on the chance that he might get his feet wet.  We are talking about a 6-inch wide stream.  Talk about embarrassing.  My human had to go back and get him. Reportedly, he was very well behaved, though, on the whole walk.  Boring.  But well behaved.  Maybe SOME day, I will be well behaved.  And then I can go.  Who am I kidding….

Have a super Sunday!  Go cougars!

 ©  Linda Wozniak

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