Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Fear periods

Fear periods.  It seems that we dogs go through a variety of time periods when we view the world as a scary place.  When you look at a number of sources, it kind of looks like the first 16 weeks of our lives we are somewhat vulnerable - save for a few odd days!  And then somewhere between 4-6 months we go through another stage of intermittent real life horror film days. I noticed that Jaws does seem to be timid when he first experiences something - like the scary dark garbage cans - but he usually rebounds pretty quickly.  Mind you, in the last few days it's like he has come out of a cloud - and he is starting to notice things that have been around since he arrived here - and now for SOME reason they are scary.  Like this whirly gig thing that is on a post in the garden.  It's been there forever.  But yesterday he noticed it and had to bark at it.  In fact, it's the first time I have heard his "real dog" bark.   Not the the whiny puppy bark.  The "I'm a big dog with a mighty bark" bark. He did the same thing for this wooden cut out of a dog that is in the yard as well.  You may recall this video of Frodo when he FIRST discovered the scary black dog.  

But the irony with Jaws - the first time he saw it, he tried to chew off the tail.  Two days ago it was scary.  Today he's fine with it.  Go figure.

My human's mother came to visit again on Sunday.  We were very good with her.  Except for this one little indiscretion... When my human was going to take her mother home, she decided I could go for the ride.  Just me.  Because I'm special.  Well - it's actually because my human wants each of us to have "alone time" and she figured I might like going for a ride that didn't end up at a Vet clinic.  One SLIGHT problem.  I got all excited about going and jumped into the back seat of the vehicle.  My human's mother was in the front and my human was coming around the vehicle to get in.  I was SUPER excited - and that's when I discovered that my human's mother had a fresh loaf of bread on her lap that they had picked up earlier in the day at the market.  I thought it was for me!  I jumped into the driver's seat and promptly grabbed the bag with the bread.  Or attempted to.  My human sure can move quickly in such situations.  Suffice to say I never actually got to taste the bread.  Otherwise the ride was great - and thankfully no fear of going to the Vet.

Well time to get my human walking.  Have a happy Tuesday!

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