Monday, September 26, 2016

Walk a mile in her shoes. Good luck.

Elroy has a new "victim."  Actually I should say victim-s.  The latest focus of his attention?  My human's slippers.

The telltale sign of fall came out of storage the other day. The cozy slippers with the fake fur around the ankles.  They are my human's favorite footwear - but they are obviously too warm for the summer months.  But now that the nights are getting cooler, it was time to bring them out.

Well. You would think Elroy had just died and gone to fuzzy prey heaven.  Those feet with those slippers are TOO much to resist.  Every chance he gets, he tries to rip the fur off.  If she is sitting at the table, he sneaks up and quickly grabs a bite.  And when he gets in one of his "crazy puppy" moods - look out.  She cannot get away from him.  She was going to spray Bitter Apple on them - and then realized - horror of horrors - we have RUN out!  At this point, all Jaws needs to do is see the bottle and he assumes whatever he is munching on will soon become a BIT less desirable.  I wonder how long before he realizes the bottle is empty?  

It's the start of a new work week.  Wishing you a good one!

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