Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Today is National Fruitcake Day.  And that's fitting because in the last 48 hours, we canines have been behaving nuttier than a fruitcake.

It started with the brotherly rumble on Christmas and has continued.  I think it is because Frodo was VERY jealous of the fact that yours truly got to go to the Christmas Eve festivities.  He has been cranky ever since.  He grumbles if anyone walks near him with one of the new antlers; he stole Elroy's cool new Jolly Ball and he doesn't even LIKE balls; he disappeared into the woods when we went for our Boxing Day run- barking and growling at something off in the woods - and I came back before HE did; and he was lying under the dining room table and when my human called him, he refused to come (he EVENTUALLY did).  So the "good dog" is being very naughty.

And then Elroy is more wild than ever - if that's even possible.  He went for HIS Boxing Day run and he was CRAZY.  Racing AT my human. Grabbing the leash and pulling.  Jumping and grabbing her arm - like some kind of schutzhund trained dog.  He DID come to find my human when she hid, once - but went so crazy when he found her that she didn't do THAT again.

Oh - and remember the indestructible dog bed that we got two years ago?  The raised one - made of steel.  OK - maybe not STEEL - but some kind of metal legs.  The one that even Paxton the destroyer didn't destroy.  The one with the COMFY, COZY fleece covering, that was attached to the legs with heavy elastic material.  Yeah, well the comfy, cozy fleece covering now has  holes in two corners - so the stuffing is coming out - AND one of the elastic bands has been chewed in two.  Guess who did that?  Jaws is at it again.  No rug or soft material item is safe in this house.  My human said she  is going to try and repair it.  This should be good....

It's hard to believe - but by comparison to the other two stooges, I have been the best behaved!!!!! I figured I had better end the year on a high note.

My human is off work until the New Year - so we will be sure to help her so she doesn't get bored.  Have a great day!!!

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