Friday, December 16, 2016

Picard goes crazy. And so does PON...

So I'm thinking that at the rate it is going, we are going to have a white Christmas.  We haven't actually had one the past few years, but it looks like Santa's sleigh will be put to good use.  And all of this snow has led to some serious "snow craziness."  Outside AND in.

So my human got home before dark yesterday - just after a bigger snowfall than had been foreguessed.  Let's face it, the weather people just guess.  Or so it seems.  I think they spin a wheel and whatever the arrow points to - that's what they pick.  Anyway, we got a lot more snow than anticipated.  But it did look lovely so you KNOW my human had to get some photos...

She took us out and we all went a bit crazy.  We ran like supper was being served. 

                                                   But the FG went crazy plus.  He raced. 

                                                                       He leaped. 

                                                    He buried his face in the snow.

                                                              And he raced more.

And Frodo and I just watched in awe...

 Here is a short sample of his snow zoomies.  It is very hard to catch him on video.
Occasionally he would stop - but NOT for long. 

So after we were all tired out - and beginning to collect snowballs because we weren't wearing our spandex suits or snow boots - my human put us all in the house.  While she went to take a few non-dog photos.  The nerve.

Frodo was particularly annoyed that we were inside while my human was outside.  And he decided to show how annoyed he was...

My human came in the house after about 10 minutes and looked at the water all over the floor from our melting snowballs.  And she looked at me.  And Frodo.  And she realized someone was missing.  She looked around and no FG.  He wasn't in the kitchen or dining room.  The gate was in front of the stairs, so he couldn't have gone down there.  He wasn't on the dog bed.  The other doors were closed...and then she looked into the DFZ.  The DFZ with the Christmas trees.  And the loads of GLASS decorations.  And there - standing in the middle of the DFZ was the FG.  She didn't know what to do.  It's kind of like coming across a bear in the woods.  You don't want to make any sudden moves - you want to move very slowly.  She carefully approached the gate - and that's when she spotted the evidence.  The bungee cord, which holds the gate in front of the DFZ, had been chewed in two.  We all know there is ONE dog in this house known for his bungee chewing abilities - Frodo.  Anyway, she just glared at Frodo who stared right back at her.  But she had to get the FG.  She slowly walked toward him - almost as if she wasn't even looking at him.  And then she make a lunge for his collar - and got him.  She peacefully removed him from the zone and went into the garage to get more bungee cords.  And she then held up the chewed cord, looked at Frodo and said "Who did this?"  As IF he was going to confess.  But we all know he did it.  Then again...did he??

NEVER a dull moment in THIS house.  Outside OR in!

Happy Friday!

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