Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Shredder

It must be close to a full moon.  Elroy aka the FG aka Astro has been extra crazy lately.  It started with that walk on the weekend - and so it continues.

Every morning, he goes out first for his morning constitutional.  And he brings the paper down from the road.  If the paper is in a plastic bag, all is fine.  But IF the weather is fair and the paper is left loose in the box, that's when problems arise.  If given a loose paper, Astro will carry it part way down the driveway, drop it and the paper goes everywhere.  So when there IS no plastic bag, my human gives him one of the advertising inserts in the middle of the paper.  And yesterday it all started out fine.  He was holding tight to the rolled up insert.  And then he started walking faster.  And faster.  And then came the toss.  And the paper flew.  And as my human scrambled to pick it up, wearing her big mittens and illuminating the scene with her headlamp, and still trying to hold onto the main paper, Astro proceeded to grab and tear any part he could get his teeth on. So my human is holding onto the main paper, trying to pick up the loose papers, trying to hold back the Tasmanian shredding machine and still stay standing.  She finally gave up and dragged him away - leaving the remnants of the paper in the middle of the driveway.  Thankfully it wasn't a windy day.  She picked it all up when she took Frodo and I out for our walk. So I have another name for the FG.  The Shredder.

Well today is Letter Writing Day on the crazy calendar - so time to work on your letter to Santa.  And if you write a letter and don't like the contents, I have someone who can recycle it for you.

Have a good one!

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