Monday, December 12, 2016

The Scream

Today is December 12.  It's Edvard Munch's birthday.  Edvard Munch was a famous Norwegian painter - who like many artists, led a rather tormented life.  He actually painted a few dog pictures, but is best known for his painting "The Scream."  I have a new title for that painting.  "Linda when she tries to get a photo of Viktor, Frodo and Elroy - all together."

So we had a little snow the other day.  And of course, my human THOUGHT it would be fun to get a Christmas picture of the three of us outside in the snow.  That alone is not a good idea since the FG is just getting used to this whole new snowy world.  No - she had to make it even MORE difficult.  She put these fuzzy collar things on each of us.  And of course, the FG had a slightly bigger version...

Keep in mind that getting him to sit still - outdoors in particular - is a BIG challenge.  And once he discovered his attire - that was IT.  He looked down - saw it, craned his neck to grab it, gave it a pull, and OFF he went.  There was NO catching him.  I mean NO catching him.  Even I tried to grab the now soggy red attire as he raced past.  It was IMPOSSIBLE.  So my human had another plan.  AFTER she eventually caught him.  She put him in the house.  Then she set Frodo and I up in position. And she told us to stay.  Which we did!  She had those liver treats again.  Then she went inside and got the FG.  She kept repeating "Just be calm.  Just be calm."  And she put his attire on.  Again.  And repeated "Just be calm."  And she gave him liver treats. And he was watching her. And sitting when she asked.  While Frodo and I were patiently waiting in position outside.  Trust me - those liver treats are worth it. So he was calm.  And walking nicely (now on a leash) to the door.  And wearing his attire.  And as soon as his foot hit the ground outside the house, his brain again exploded.  He had NO interest in sitting for a photo.  But this time, he couldn't run away - as he was on a leash.  So she attempted to get him to sit next to Frodo and I who were STILL in position.  By now she was plying all of us with liver treats - rewards for Frodo and I for staying - and as a bribe to get  the FG to sit.  Every time my human would step back to take the photo, he would stand up.  The photo you see was caught just after he stood up for the 45th time.  If we look serious - it's because we WERE.

But in the end, she DID get ONE shot that was card worthy.  She'll post it soon.

She also DID get photos of Frodo and I alone which turned out well.  

Who would have EVER dreamed that I would be well behaved?  At least for photos.  I'm figuring this may get me back on the "Nice" list. Speaking of which - I MUST finish my letter to Santa...

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