The last day of 2014. New Year’s Eve. And we are ready to parteeeee. But honestly, every day for us dogs is like
New Year’s Eve. We don’t need a date on
the calendar to celebrate. We celebrate EVERY day.
In going along with this whole human New
Year’s tradition, I thought that perhaps I should come up with some New Year’s
resolutions. So here we go:
Get my very own Facebook page.
I have my own blog, so I think it’s time I get my own page on Facebook. And my goal is 14 Likes by May.
Stop running off into the
woods. OK. That’s probably a bit lofty. How about stop running off into the woods for
more than 10 minutes. Better.
Stop counter surfing. Hmmm…again maybe a bit much. How about stop counter surfing when there is
a full moon. Better.
Do not chew on the new dog
bed. When my human is watching. Good one.
Do not lick Frodo or Paxton’s
face. If it is dinner time. Another good one.
Do not steal bones or toys from
Frodo or Paxton. Especially when I have
already hoarded all the other bones and toys….
Do not look longingly at the
garage door where the dog food is stored.
Every 10 minutes. Try for every
twenty minutes.
Make every effort NOT to knock
out my human when I am jumping repeatedly while waiting to go out the front
Do not chase rabbits or foxes….
on the third Thursday of every month.
10. Agree to poop in the rain at
least once a month.
I think those ten resolutions will be a
pretty good start for 2015. If I’m like
most humans, I will give them up before the end of January. At least I didn’t say I would start going to
the gym!
Happy New Year everyone!!!!
2014 Linda Wozniak