Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas baking.

OK.  I like to think my human is smart.  Not as smart as us canines, but still smart enough.  But the other day– well.. I wasn’t so sure.

You see, she decided to bake us some Christmas dog biscuits. She found this recipe on-line quite some time ago and bought all the ingredients – so decided to give it a try.

The biscuit recipe called for overly ripe bananas, coconut flour, peanut butter, olive oil, flax seed and egg.  The ingredients sounded yummy.  So I watched the entire proceedings.  I didn’t LEAVE the kitchen for a minute.  I wanted to see how they were made – so maybe I could make them myself some time.  Let me tell you - it was NOT a pretty sight.

My human likes to cook. And she can be crafty.  And she attempts to repair things.  But.  She CANNOT bake. 

First off, the bananas were not REALLY overly ripe.  But she smashed them up anyway, and figured the little lumps would not be a big deal.  Then she added the sifted flour and flax seed.  So far, so good.  Then the recipe said to add the egg and peanut butter and oil and BEAT all the ingredients.  At which point she realized -uh-oh. Her beater was broken.  A small but critical detail.  So she stuffed as much of the ingredients as she could into her food processor.  They didn’t all fit.  And she turned it on.  NUMEROUS times.  And she kept pushing the ingredients down into the bowl.  Over and over again. 

Then she put the somewhat pasty, dough-like THING into the fridge for 30 minutes, as the recipe said.  And then she was supposed to spoon the dough into balls onto a cookie sheet and bake.  Except the dough was kind of flaky and falling apart.  So she formed balls with her hands.  And baked them for 30 minutes.  They were supposed to form COOKIES.  They came out like little golf balls.  NOT pretty at all.

But.  Drum roll.  We still liked them!  I mean seriously, you KNOW we will eat ANYTHING.  And they smell awesome.  And we don’t REALLY care what they look like.

So although I don’t think my human should quit her day job and open a doggie bakery, I do think we’ll keep her.  After all, it was the thought that counts!  And isn’t that what Christmas time giving is all about?!

©  2014  Linda Wozniak


  1. Well, I think you should clap for her effort, Viktor !! and you got some treats anyway !! My Mom gave it up long time ago you see. You are lucky !! from Orion

  2. Oh I agree. We DID like the final product - despite the way they looked!
