Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How to be adorable. In asking for forgiveness.

We all know that I can sometimes…er…many times….be a rather naughty dog.  And if I HAVE been naughty, it is CRITICAL to win my human’s favor back – as soon as caninely possible.  And I do it by becoming SUPER cuddly and by uttering the CUTEST sounds that are SURE to make my human laugh.  I could give lessons on this behavior.  I am THE best at doing it.  Yes, Paxton, in all his 100 lbs of love, DOES like to be cuddly – which often results in some type of bruises on our human.  And Frodo, well he is rarely naughty, so he doesn’t have need for “make-up” behavior.  He will wag his tail and he likes to be petted for about 20 seconds and then he is off to do something else.  Like read.  But me – I have a whole different technique.  I snuggle right next to my human.  Especially if she is sitting on the sofa.  OR if I sneak up on the bed.  And then I moan and groan these quiet little sounds.  Not a squeaky sound – which is like whining.  No.  I have a baritone humming sound which so just so cute – no one can resist me.  And if in a supine position, it is important to raise your paws in the air as well.  Trust me.  This cuteness routine will render forgiveness from a whole host of bad behaviors.  Some MIGHT call this manipulative.  I call it smart.  

And it really works.  Even if you pooped on the floor - when you have not done so since you were a puppy.  While your human was downstairs. And you were the ONLY one upstairs. Yup. Roll, put those feet up and moan.  Right after your human has uttered that ridiculous question "what did you do?"  Even after such a horrible mistake, your human cannot stay unhappy with you if you try this behavior.

Not to mention the fact that I am just plain adorable – if I do say so myself - so WHO can resist me?!  THANK goodness - or I would be finding myself in the Want Ads looking for a new home!  Frequently....

©  2014  Linda Wozniak

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