Saturday, December 20, 2014

Can you dig it?

My brother Frodo is smart.  Most of the time.  Now mind you, we DID see the video of him barking at the scary black dog – and he didn’t look like a rocket scientist in THAT scene.  And I KNOW he is going to be annoyed – but I have to share another non-brilliant Frodo moment…

You see, Frodo has this thing about digging.  If he finds a muddy spot outside, he will dig.  Which is kind of ironic because he doesn’t REALLY like getting dirty or wet.  He ALSO likes to dig in carpet.  So much so that our human had to replace the carpeting on the stairs because Frodo dug up a corner of the carpet on the landing.  Our human didn’t REALLY like the carpeting on the stairs all that much and she HAD been thinking about replacing it.  I say that Frodo figured that out – and just wanted to help with the process.

So the other night, while our human was sitting at the dining room table, Frodo started to dig – in the corner under a table (the one where he tries rather unsuccessfully to hide).  But the floor is made of tile.  My human watched him for a bit and then grabbed her camera.  He had already been digging for a while.  In the foreground, you can see one of our toy containers – and the fact that it has just been emptied.  That's my handiwork.  The best toys and bones are ALWAYS at the bottom.  And you can see ME in the video – just watching Frodo.  And then look at how he squeezes himself in that spot!!!  I must say, I just don’t get it.  He SEEMS like such a smart guy.  But I guess even geniuses have their funny quirks…I just hope I don’t get in trouble with Santa for sharing this…

©  2014 Linda Wozniak

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