Monday, June 1, 2015

Say Something Nice Day

Today is Say Something Nice Day.  Really – every day should be “say something nice day.”  But we tend to forget that.  So. Let me try it today.

To Frodo:   I like your hair.  In fact, I’m a bit jealous of your hair.  That’s why I lick your ears.  And your face.  And I trim your ears.  Sorry  about the uneven haircut.  I also think it is nice that you have attained SO many titles.  You are not only handsome – but you are smart.   Now will you share some biscuits with me?

To Paxton:  I think you are cool.  You are HUGE and an imposing figure.  In fact, I’m kinda scared of you – that’s why I try to attack you at times.  Even though I KNOW you would never attack me.  I like how you can pull a cart.  And you ARE a “Find the Bunny” expert.   Now will you share some biscuits with me?

To my human:  I’m glad you picked me.  You are a patient woman.  If someone else had picked me, I would probably be in the dog pound by now.  You are almost as clever as we are, and I think we have trained you well.  You look wonderful at 5AM when you take us for a nice long walk.  (OK, maybe I’m stretching this stuff a bit…).  You bring us great guilt gifts when you go away.  And you REALLY do take good care of us.  You are the best human I have ever owned.  OK – the only one.  But you ARE pretty great.  Now, can I have a biscuit?

To my blog readers:   You are very nice people and I appreciate the time you take to read my “PONtificating.”  I feel like I know so many of you – and yet we have never met!  I love when you share comments about your dogs - and you can relate to something I have said.  Thank you!!  I truly hope you DO have a very nice day!!!!

Make sure you remember to say something nice to someone today!  And if someone asks why you are being nice – tell them Viktor reminded you to do so.  Viktor.  The PON.

©  Linda Wozniak

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