Monday, March 21, 2016

Bunnies and other stuff

Sunday was another yo-yo day.  Paxton was not at all hungry and Frodo and I basically screamed when he wouldn't eat.  We wanted his leftovers.  He eventually did eat some steak.  And lots and lots of biscuits.  My human thinks he just has an appetite for junk food.  Today he will go to the Vet to see how they can make him better.....

Despite Paxton's illness, he was quite happy to join Frodo and I on rabbi-lert.  I sounded the alarm.  I was the first one to spot Mr. Bunny in the back yard.  

He's still white from the winter - so he is hard to see.  See if you can spot him.  

No matter what colour he was, I could see him.  And my human was afraid to even let me out on the deck - for fear I would leap off in hot pursuit.  She's starting to wonder if our Find the Bunny game with the stuffed rabbit is such a brilliant idea.  Maybe not - but too late now.

We also got to play fetch with some of our guilt gifts. I was having a grand old time retrieving with my human - since I got to go first.  In the meantime, Frodo was yelling at the top of his lungs in the house. So my human went to let him out.  Well. I didn't WANT Frodo playing too.  So in protest, I took the toy and went to chew it.  And THAT was the end of the fetch game.  

On a final note today, I want you to know that my human is so grateful for all the people who have sent good wishes and prayers for Paxton.  This internet world is an incredible place. And it kind of amazes my human that in this world of crazy political candidates, global warming, poverty, refugees, war and strife, a Polish Lowland Sheepdog in Nova Scotia, Canada can share his crazy antics, and people whom we have never met, are sharing in this difficult journey and sincerely hoping for a good outcome.  We dogs know that humans ARE crazy  - but underneath it all - they are very good.  Very, very good.  And that's why we dogs keep them.  Thank you for supporting my big brother.  I hope I have good news about him tomorrow....

Until then- watch out for bunnies.....they are obviously getting ready for Easter!

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