Tuesday, March 15, 2016

She's back

Well my human has returned.  She got in late last night.  There was much leaping for joy when she arrived.  When she came in, Frodo barked incessantly, telling her she should not have gone away without us.  Paxton nearly knocked her over, trying to get as close to her as possible.  And I went to look in the bags for the guilt gifts. And boy did we score.  Some cool retrieving toys - which you know are for me since I'm the best retriever in this house.  Then there were some dumb bells - which would obviously be for Frodo.

We got some new collars and leashes - but those are kind of like giving kids clothes for Christmas.  I mean they are nice, but we don't really care.

There are some new instruments of torture.  Those we could do without.  

Of course there were some special treats.  Which won't last long.

But the best gift - the little bunny.  He even squeaks.  I went out of my MIND when my human showed it to me. Now Paxton can slobber the big bunny all by himself, and Frodo avnd I can use the little bunny.  I can't WAIT to play with him.

The sitter said we were good overall.  Except for Paxton.  He insisted that she hold his food dish while he was eating.  He wouldn't eat if she didn't hold the dish.  Kind of like having a butler.  But other than that, nobody destroyed anything, ate anything or disappeared.     

Today my poor human has to go to work- and on top of that she has a bad cold.  But she survived Crufts so we know she'll survive this too! 

Have a great day.  I know we will!

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